Wednesday 13 January 2016

Filming Day- The Studio

We had decided to plan another filming day after we decided that we were not best keen on the ending of our music video. We felt that using the school facilities was a really good idea as they were so accessible to us and we would be able to use them whenever we liked- adding to the convenience even further. Using the studio and its lights meant that we would be able to get some really nice artistic shots, with the striking colour adding to the bold theme running throughout our video. We chose pink lights to be our main colour- we felt that this would best represent love which is what our whole video is symbolically surrounded by. Another reason for choosing the colour pink is because we had selected blue and pink to be our overall theme running throughout the video which means there would be added consistency.

As we needed footage for the end of the video the most, we made sure that we filmed this more than once just in case we were not happy with the first shot filmed during the editing process. Executing the ending perfectly was most important to us as our previous ending was not successful at all and this would leave a lasting impression on the viewer- we did not want there to be any sort of anti-climax as it would completely diminish people's positive opinion of the video in the long run. We also ensured that Nova lip synced the entire song so that we could use other areas of lip syncing else where in order for that same location to be featured in the video more than once, again to ensure there was continuity.

After filming the lip syncing, I thought it would be a good idea to film candid shots of the artist when she was standing in front of the lights. I felt that this turned out to be very successful as I managed to capture footage of her laughing, flipping her hair and acting naturally in front of the camera- inserting a couple of these in our video would put the viewer at ease whilst viewing the video as Nova as acting so comfortable in front of the camera.  

The type of shots I filmed mainly consisted of wide angles and mid-close-ups as we felt this best captured the type of location we were in. Any other type of shot would drive the viewer's attention away from the main focal point, being the lights and the artist. We didn't want to include too much of the surrounding environment in the shot as it would take away how professional it could look, making it a long shot would feature too much of the classroom (like the door and wires etc.) and that is definitely not what we were aiming for.


For Nova's costume she wore a light pink halter neck which added to her more feminine side as well as complimenting the pink lights surrounding her which also matched our pink theme that runs throughout our entire video. With this she wore black jeans and boots to show off her more edgy side- the combination of both of these make her out to be a very mature artist which is exactly what we branded her as. 
Reviewing Footage:

This is the end shot i filmed of Millie lip syncing. It is an example of what will most probably replace the final clip on our rough cut. I think that this medium wide shot is successful as it allows for the brights lights to be seem all around the artist which are the two main focal points of the video. The lights create a silhouette and glow around the artist showing that she is the star of the show. As the song ends and Nova finishes lip syncing, I track the artist whilst she is still static. I think that this camera movement was also successful as it created a lens flare which produces quite a magical sense and is a more creative way to end the video rather than a standard shots where the camera is still static. 

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