Wednesday 6 January 2016

Filming Day 4- The Red Ivy

Filming in front of the red ivy

Testing out the tripod to make sure it's at the correct height!
The wall of ivy which runs across our school.
We felt that this would be an excellent location for us to film our music video. A reason for this is as I felt the ivy was a very bold and powerful colour that could immediately capture an audiences attention. Not only this but red has connotations with passion and love which are both emotions that tie in perfectly for what our video is all about (recovering from heartbreak). Another reason why we took the opportunity to film here is due to the convenience. It is on site and just a minute walk from our classroom therefore it is easily accessible.

Here, our artist is shown posing in a tan suede skirt and black long sleeved top which we all agreed looked very stylish, classy yet still quite edgy which is exactly how we branded Nova to be. Although it may not seem it, the outfit is very carefully planned out. It was important that we avoided any sort of statement colour as it would dramatically clash with the red background and appear to be very unappealing. Wearing this black top meant that she could still look stylish however keep things to a minimum. We didn't want any type of vivid pattern or colour to distract the viewer from what we came here for (the ivy) and for this reason alone, I felt that the filming carried out here was extremely successful.
The sun was in exactly the right position- had Millie be in the shade, we may have had trouble with inconsistent lighting which would have been problematic during editing for continuity reasons. Despite this, at times the sun was a little too bright and could evidently be seen to get in our artist's eyes- this however shouldn't be an issue as we will be more selective in which clips actually make the final cut. We filmed a range of different shots- our plan was to focus the most on lip syncing as it is a fun eye popping background which gives us a lot to be creative with. The whole song was lip synced which overall turned out to be successful. This is because Millie was very expressive with each word which made it look like she was actually singing herself and kept a professional stance at all times. We mainly filmed medium wide shots (as previously planned) and stuck to our theme of keeping our artist to the side of the camera, allowing the background to be to the other- this creates more of a balanced composition and allows the viewer to have more attention to detail if they desire. Medium shots are generally successful and reliable- the ones we filmed in particular definitely were, this is as they are simplistic and can be kept to a minimum whilst still looking effective, the background here for us does all the talking and our artist compliments it. We also filmed a tracking shot of our artist walking along the wall, brushing the ivy as she passed. I thought that it would be particularly interesting as the ivy faded from green to red due to the season, this may represent her feelings of gradually falling in love as the song progressed. This shot was successful as it is visually very unique and I am sure it will make it into our final video.
This is a behind the scenes video clip that I filmed of us carrying out the filming at the ivy wall. I believe that our filming day was successful as the ivy made for a lovely background on camera- with the colour appearing rich and red, thus linking to our narrative of love more clearly.
Whilst we were out filming and had some spare time, we thought it would be a good idea to visit a classroom with a white wall in order to film in front of. Our aim was for it to have a studio effect due to the simplistic indoor environment which at first glance it did, however we did not have access to any studio lighting in the room. Due to this, when reviewing the footage on location, we established that it looked a bit too dark and not of a professional standard so we were forced to reject it. Despite this unfortunate occurrence, we were still able to learn from our mistakes and realise that if we wanted to film indoors, we would have to properly organise access to studio lights so that it looked of a good quality.
When relocating to the indoors, this is a clip of some footage that was filmed. We decided to reject this footage as you can see that the lighting is not up to professional standards as I previously aforementioned.
This is a tracking mid shot of the artist walking and singing whilst brushing past the ivy. I feel that it is successful as it is quite creative and will keep the audience intrigued. Although it is successful in this sense, the camera work meant that you are unable to see Nova's face lip syncing the entire time- meaning that the shot lost its purpose so we were forceed to reject this footage.

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