Wednesday 6 January 2016

Filming Day 2- Whitstable

23/08/2015- Whitstable
We arranged to meet up during our time off to visit Whitstable.
We felt that this location would be a successful place to film as it is something different to what we already have. The pebbles along the seafront have a very calming effect on the viewer which is something i'm sure will compliment our slower choice of song. As well as this, we filmed our artist sitting along the fencing whilst lip syncing. We thought that this would have the potential to be successful due to the picturesque background and added something different to the mix rather than Nova just standing up.
We made sure to film a range of point of view shots as on our production schedule we had planned for this to occur. We wanted to have a more dynamic approach by filming a variety of these more unique shots- these are the type of shots that could differentiate us from other artists out there and make us stand out which is why we thought it was successful to do so.
Examples of POV shots that we filmed were closeup shots of the artist holding hands with her partner. This adds more intimacy to the video and can also get the audience more familiar with her.
 In this long two person establishing shot I thought it would be a good idea to film due to the fact that the silhouettes create a very visually effective shot with the picturesque sky in the background behind them. We also thought that we could use these two people featuring as the 'couple' in our video so that both people would be visible at least once. Saying this, we felt that if we included the two members of the couple in our video only once then it would be inconsistent therefore rejected this footage, instead settling for point of view footage featuring only our artist as an individual.
This is a clip of some lip syncing footage we filmed. We decided to position the artist to the far right of the wide angled shot. A reason for this is because we wanted the background of the shot to be just as important as the artist as I feel we put in a lot of effort to the locations we attended. As well as this, the camera is eye level with the artist. At times there is direct eye contact and at others  she is looking away- this makes her look very enigmatic and therefore intriguing to the audience.

This video clip shows a high angle camera shot of Millie singing to the camera. We felt it would be an appropriate angle because she is singing 'Am I glamorous tell me, am I glamorous?'- therefore it is as if she is asking the audience. The way she appears to 'hold' the camera also makes it more personal between the audience and artist. Saying all of this, we decided to reject this footage as the lighting is not as we wished- also Millie's expression does not look as realistic, meaning that both of these factors affect how professional our overall video appears.

This shot I would say is the most successful from our filming day. We decided to film point of view shots because it matched the home video style that we had planned to feature throughout. I feel the shot is particularly good because it adds something more personal between the audience and artist- thus increasing the intimacy and strong bond.

1 comment:

  1. You had a lot of hopes for the effect of your choice of the seafront. In your evaluation. make sure you comment on how successful you think this was in reality and ask your target audience if they agree that it is effective. That is the key to evaluation - did what you hoped would work, actually work? And if so, why?
    Mrs H
