Tuesday 12 January 2016

Digipak Inserts

Digipak insert possible images:
We took a variety of photographs whilst on location filming for our music video as we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take some creative shots. 
The first photograph I have taken was of our artist facing the stage lighting which lit up sections of her hair bright pink, creating a very interesting image due to the vibrant colours present. In the next picture, the artist turned to the side for a profile shot which I think worked perfectly as it lit up the entire outline of her face, making her appear radiant and glowing- capturing the viewer's eye straight away.
In this photograph (above) the artist is addressing the camera directly which creates more personal image. This is one of our favourites from the selection taken as not only does she look great but the background lighting really adds something special to the picture, with the props fitting in perfectly with our musical theme.

When discussing which images were our favourites, we all agreed that the one of Nova facing the camera was a strong contender however my favourite was the image of her side profile. Having taken everyone's opinions into consideration, Millie came up with the solution to equally crop each image and combine them as one (as pictured left). I believe this to have turned out really successfully, with the quality looking similar to a professional standard. The pictures also go together so well as they are all of different perspectives of the artist which means that each one looks unique and not too similar.  We used a photograph from our filming day in the Turner Gallery, Margate on the other page of our insert. We all agreed that this would be very suiting due to the similarities in warm colours which turned out to be true as I believe they look like they belong next to each other. On the wall, we placed the writing which we planned to be an artist 'thank you' page. On Photoshop we used the curve tool to arc the writing in order for it to look as if it is written on the actual wall which I think looks really unique and is different and more inventive than just writing it normally. We went for a very basic font in white as we just wanted simplistic seeing as the rest of our images are very powerful. 
Our final digipak insert (above).
(Left) was our first draft of our digipak insert with the left side being a 'selfie' than the artist has taken herself. We felt that this added more personality to the album and intimacy between fans. As well as this we felt that the colours match nicely together but after a discussion decided that we had more professional images than this to use. It was a good decision to change the photograph because the edit on our final insert looks very unique and of high quality which matched the rest of our auxiliary products further.

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