Thursday 14 January 2016

Completed Tour Poster

This is our final tour poster . One of the most successful features of it is the fact that our main photograph of Nova is all in complete colour whilst the font is in white. We thought that this made more of a change to our digipak however still linked in comparison to our album front cover. This is because our front cover's photograph was edited to be black and white with colour in the background therefore we used this idea and completely reversed it by having the photo in colour and font in black and white. I think that the white font works really well as the backdrop is quite dark, therefore creating more of a contrast and giving the writing more of a pop to stand out to a large audience of people. 
We used the artist's logo 'NOVA' and placed this right at the top of the poster. It was important that we used the logo as this was used on the rest of the auxiliary products. It is now part of her branding and the audience will associate the logo with the artist, so in order to familiarise the viewer with Nova, we have placed the logo on all promotional products, reinforcing our consistency.

When arranging the composition of our tour poster, we had to think of where to position the text, artist logo and imagery. It was important that we got this right because the layout can effect how professional it appears which has always been something we aim for. After a lot of discussion, we felt that the most logical way to approach this was for us to use the original picture and clone the background on Photoshop so that the width of the photograph was longer. This was so that we had more background space to place the text alongside Nova and we wouldn't have to overlap anything at all, which creates more a slick and crisp look for a professional product. I think that doing this was successful because the artist is able to be seen on one side of the poster and text on the other, meaning that the viewer is occupied with both visual imagery and written text.

We edited the photograph of the artist similarly to how the album front cover was edited by airbrushing it etc. to get a flawless look.

We chose to advertise her album 'Fragments' as well as the concerts as we felt that it would be particularly suiting for the audience to see the release of her upcoming album and then the opportunity to see the songs performed live at the same time. We used existing tour posters for inspiration on which venues to choose as it would give an even distribution of events around the country and we were also able to see what the name of these venues were called- adding to how professional it would appear. We specifically wanted Nova to visit Cambridge, her home town, and have it be her final place to perform which logically makes sense as the last song on the tracklist of Fragments is 'Home'. Following this decision, we researched into music venues in Cambridge and finally came across 'Cambridge Junction' which seemed like the perfect venue.
We personally selected the tour dates. May seemed like an appropriate month as it is in the season of Spring, renowned for new life which can symbolise the start of Nova's career. 

We ensured that we added Nova's social media links to the poster with the online platform's logos either side in order for the audience to instantly know what to look for. Having this information is vital in the current digital age, especially in the music industry, because the majority of people now spend their time online and use Twitter or Facebook to keep up to date with information on their favourite artists, especially when it comes to tours as they will be the first to find out.

We kept all of the text in the same font (apart from the logo) called 'basic title font' which is stylish, fits nicely with the logos font in the way that it looks like more of a simple version of it, and is extremely easy to read. The fact that it is so easy to read is so important as it is a promotional product, often featured on posters in busy places where people read them from far away, meaning that the simplicity of a font could cost the artist essential sales.

Lastly, we added the phrase at the bottom of the poster saying that it was now available on iTunes. This is also an important feature because people stumbling upon the poster of the upcoming artist may be interested and can then preview the album on iTunes before purchasing- the whole idea is the spark interest in the audience.

Overall, I feel that our tour poster turned out to be very successful. I think we used the right amount of imagery, being just a medium sized picture of the artist- nothing too overpowering. The colours on the actual poster have been kept moderate but still very aesthetically pleasing and mature which fits Nova's branding perfectly. I also believe the font style and colour to appear very successful as it is clear to read and still looks stylish which are two crucial factors when it comes to promotional products.
Our final tour poster

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