Sunday 6 September 2015

Lyric Analysis

One of the aims of our music video is to have a variety of different scenes and camera shots throughout in order to show the progression of time during our artist's life. This is one of the reasons why we took the time to plan where these scenes/different locations would be shown according to the lyrics. This way, not only would we be able to see whether it matches the words of the song, but we would also be able to see a chronological order of events and therefore evaluate whether it works or not. For example, on the second verse we have annotated 'relationship at its strongest' and then on the final verse 'breakup'. This planning is useful because it allows us to have an idea on the type of footage we would include for these areas- a happy mood would not be portrayed in the final verses and a sad mood could not be shown in the initial verses as it does not coincide with the lyrics.

We went through and highlighted particular lines that we plan our artist to lip sync. This included some of the most repeated and key phrases in the chorus eg. 'hello, hello, c-can you hear me?' as this line is one of the most memorable to the audience which we feel could have quite a successful effect. We have planned the lip syncing so that there is an even distribution throughout the song- for it would appear very strange to have only lip syncing in just one verse of the song, we plan for it to be equally spread out like the artist's videos we analysed in our previous research because it seemed most professional and consistent this way. We avoided too much lip syncing in the bridge of the song as this is where the pace builds up to the chorus therefore we plan to show more fast pace editing skills in this area such as a flashback of the artist's life using montage.

In order to sustain the professional appearance we are aiming for, analysing the lyrics gave us a deeper understanding of them. Not only this, but it allowed us to evaluate which phrases would be most challenging to lip sync so that we could avoid these areas as it gave us more room for mistakes which is what we wanted to avoid in order for it to look as professional as possible.

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