Friday 17 July 2015

Initial Idea brainstorm

                     We created a brainstorm of possible ideas we could use for our music video.

1) The first idea included the video being primarily studio based. It would be performance based with an element of contemporary dance involved. We were particularly inspired by a variety of other student's a2 music videos that we watched where they would lip sync in front of a range of different coloured plain backdrops- I feel that the simplicity is especially effective and something we could tie into our own as it draws the audience's eye straight to the artist which is the main focal point. We decided not to choose this idea as it would involve a choreographed dance by our artist which would be too difficult to have a professional appearance. Also, the video would mainly be lip syncing which is not something we would be going for- we would like a range of scenery shots too- therefore the studio would limit us.

2) The next idea we had was to make our video revolving around a couple's fun summer. It would show their relationship at their highest and lowest points- including their breakup. We do not plan to show our artist's boyfriend on the video as it would allow us to be more creative- for example using lots of point of view shots from the male's perspective of his girlfriend. These themes would allow us to experiment with lots of different locations (in and outdoors) and camera shots as well as emotions. I feel that this idea could give us the most potential in making a successful music video.

3) Our other idea we had was for our music video 'Without You' to be about coping with death. Our artist would have experienced a loss and would be shown dealing with it emotionally- also a montage of the 'good times' may also be effective- acting as flashbacks of great memories. This would mean that a combination of both indoor and outdoor scenes could be used which could create a variety of different atmospheres, provoking a mixture of emotions in the viewers. Saying this, I do not think we should choose to go with this idea as it represents a deeper, darker side of life which we don't think would be very effective to explore- it could limit our creativity and only target a narrow audience.

4) Finally, idea number four was for it to be a comedic video. This would mean interpreting the song in a completely different context. Our idea was to have funny characters involved to elicit more humour in the viewers. Humour can be a way to draw in an audience as laughter is often shared between others. Although this could be a good idea, it would have to be targeted at a very narrow audience which may deem our artist to be seen as unpopular when we are aiming for the opposite of this. Not only this, but comedy is very difficult to master as everyone has a different sense of humour which, again, means that our video could never really appeal to a mass audience. This type of video would also be hard to make look professional which is, ultimately, the appearance we are aiming for. This is yet another reason why we have ruled out this idea.

We have decided to choose idea number two. This idea would let us experiment with the theme of 'love'- which I feel that this song best represents, therefore giving the lyrics that bit more of a meaning. We also all agreed that we enjoy the idea of using lots of point of view shots, showing more of a link between the artist we have been inspired by- Lana Del Rey as we noticed she often does this in her own videos. We have already come up with a range of exciting locations that we could film this (I will write about these in a later blog post) which would create exciting aesthetics. 

This is a point of view shot from Del Rey's video 'Shades of Cool' which shows the types of camera shots we wish to use.

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